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Why Does The Republican Party Hate President Obama?

Updated on May 6, 2013
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Deonne Anderson is a retired Child and Family Therapist, Free Lance Writer, and Motivational Speaker who lives in Florence, SC.

Children Of All Races Around The World

Children Of All Races Around The World
Children Of All Races Around The World | Source

President Barack Obama

The president of ALL of The People
The president of ALL of The People | Source


I'm Black and White - just like President Obama.
I'm Black and White - just like President Obama. | Source

Barry Goldwater 1964

Shoot the N.......!!!!
Shoot the N.......!!!! | Source




If you're not white, go to the left.  No Coloreds allowed here!
If you're not white, go to the left. No Coloreds allowed here! | Source

SES by <a href="">business degree online</a> promotion team.

Racism Is Alive And well In America

When Barack Obama was elected president of the United States in 2008, I, along with many others watched in awe and with disbelief. We never in our wildest dreams expected to live long enough to see a man of color become president of the United States of America, especially one of African American ancestry. In fact, we would often say in jest that a White Woman or a Latino male would become president long before an African American male.

My first reaction was one of gratitude. I wept for joy. I wept for all those individuals, Black and White, Jews and gentiles, rich and the poor who sacrificed much, even their lives, so that African Americans could be treated as human beings with all the rights afforded their White counterparts.

I thanked God and wished that somehow, Dr. Martin Luther King and all of the Civil Rights leaders who have passed on would somehow know about President Obama’s victory and America’s triumph. I expressed deep gratitude for my Caucasian brothers and sisters who had taken a stand for what they believed was the right thing to do, Obama could not have been elected were it not for the White vote.

"Greater love has no man than one who would……."

I believed that Obama’s presidency signaled a new era in race relations in the United States. I was so proud that America had taken the lead and set an example for all the world to see and follow. I was proud that all eyes were on America for all the right reasons.

I believed that there would be "a coming together" of all people to advance the good of all mankind. I believed that we were on our way to truly becoming "one nation unto God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

At some point during my "high’, it suddenly dawned on me that Obama’s presidency could not have come at a worst time in the history of this country. Unemployment was on the rise… we were losing 800,000 jobs per month, America was funding two wars, one in Iraq, the other in Afghanistan. The housing market had collapsed, and the economy was in shambles. We were on the verge of another "Great depression".

"He has been dealt an impossible hand," I said to my daughter . "The Republicans will do all that they can to make certain that he fails. He is going to be blamed for ALL of America’s ills, pre and post his presidency. This historical event may just be the end rather than the beginning for him …. God certainly has a whacky sense of humor!"

Little did I know that even before Obama was elected and that on the very day of his inauguration, Republicans hatched a campaign of OBSTRUCTIONISM against him and the Democratic Party during a private dinner party. Among those present were, Senator and Vice Presidential Candidate, Paul Ryan, The Moral majority’s Newt Gingrich, Pete Sessions and Tom Coburn from the House and Senators John Ensign and Bob Cockert.

The plan was to sabotage all efforts made by Obama and the Democrats… all bills and legislation, all political appointments, all efforts to generate jobs for the American people, all efforts to revive the economy, all efforts to balance the budget.... The end result of all obstructions was to be the failure of Barack Obama to win a second term as president of the United States. The plan was to take back the house which they did in 2010, the Senate, and the White House.

Obama promised to be a bipartisan president, a president of all the people. He reached out to the Republicans on numerous occasions but was met with hostile and aggressive partisanship. The Republicans refused to cooperate with him and other Democrats even when their actions caused undue harm and hardship to the American People.

Republicans have betrayed the American people and the world by spreading the propaganda that Obama is to blame for ALL of America’s woes and for the partisan deadlock in Washington. He has been crucified by the Republicans and other "haters" and portrayed as incompetent, a whimp, and as one who is incapable of the leadership of America.

President Obama’s attempts at economic recovery for America and job creation were blocked by the Republicans. The Republicans blocked his American Jobs Bill, his lmmigration Reform Bill, his Dream Act, his Veteran’s Job Corp Bill, his Stimulus Bill, his Lily Ledbetter Bill, his Healthcare Bill, his Federal Judicial appointments, his Wall Street Reform Bill, etc, etc.

Why is it that President Obama is identified as an African American and not as a Caucasion or White man? Is it because he is married to a woman who is identified as an African American... that he lhas lived among and had friends that were predominantly Black....? Is Obama's skin Black?

Historically, here in America, individuals with African American and European White ancestry were considered African Americans period. The one-drop of blood rule was followed especially in the South as a back lash of slavery. The rule stated that any individual with even one drop of Negroid blood was to be considered and treated as a Black person.

Today, the majority of individuals of African American and European White ancestry choose or are assigned to the African American race. Think about it, they are no more of one race genetically than the other. Therefore President obama can be looked upon as a White man or an African American man or both.

What is behind this unprecedented obstructionism against the President of the United States?

President Obama is a Harvard Law School graduate, His background does not contain any moral or criminal deficiencies. He is a man who values his family. There has not even been a hint of any infidelity during his marriage to Michelle. President Obama is purportedly a Godly man. He is caring and compassionate. He loves the United States of America and it’s people.

President Obama is a man of high character. Though he is fully aware of the Republican's RACIST driven agenda he refuses to play the Race card. President Obama has borne the burden of being HATED by the Republican Party and it’s followers. He has tolerated being portrayed as inept, uapproachable, and one not capable of leading this great nation.

The Republicans have done a great job of convincing many Americans that President Obama is to blame for ALL that's WRONG with America, when in actuality, the Republicans are to blame.

In their quest to do harm to and discredit President Obama, they have hurt the American people and the image of the USA world wide. ALL eyes are upon America now for all of the wrong reasons.

Yes! Individuals living in America are still being judged by some people in high and low places because of the color of their skin. There are many Republicans, Indepeadents, as well as Democrat who will fervently deny that they hate or do not support president Obama because he is a man of color. They are in serious denial and look upon themselves as being christians who 'love' everybody, including African Americans. " Some of my best friends are black......." Jeff Hickman in his article, "What Has To Happen For Black And White To Unite?" has this to say about RACIST Americans.

"Most Americans will tell you, that they are not racist individuals. Many of these people though, are either fooling themselves, or just being politically correct. When you delve deeper into the subconscious of the human psyche, you discover that many of us have reasons that we believe justifies racism. These so called reasons or excuses include the reverse discrimination of Affirmative Action, ignorance of other races, and the belief in the need for retribution for past injustices. Maybe we should all take some time to look at these issues and into our own hearts, to see if together we can learn to be better as a species." Jeff Hickman

HATRED and RACISM continue to be core problems in America. Though we have made great strides in combating RACISM, the treatment of President Obama is proof positive that RACISM is still alive and wellin these United States of America.

Racism in America Created by Spaghettiluva108

There's more to racism

then just black and white

Racism is discrimination to ANY race

a club that only accepts white

that's racism

a program that only accepts blacks

that's racism

A store that will only serve latinos

that's racism

A comment towards asian people

that's racsim

We have to reshape our minds

If it's not white- then it's not racism

that is not correct

If you are ANY color.

You can be racist

don't just accept one color

don't shape your mind to one kind

Accept all as they come

You can be black, white, asian, latino, straight, gay, or bi.

But we are all Gods children.

So accept us as we are.



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